Erle Robotics GitBook


MavLink is a communication protocol for MAV (Micro Aerial Vehicles) that has nowadays been extended to all kind of drones (both aerial and terrestrial).

The MAVLink message is basically a stream of bytes encoded and sent over some kind of transductor (via USB serial, RC frequencies, WiFi, GPRS, etc.). By encoding we mean to put the packet into a data structure in a smart way adding checksums, sequence numbers and send it via the channel byte by byte.

Structure of the message

Each MAVLink message is structured in the following way:

message length = 17 bytes (6 bytes header + 9 bytes payload + 2 bytes checksum)

The following table describes the message parts and bytes:

Message part Byte Description
Header 0 message header, always 0xFE
Header 1 Message length
Header 2 Sequence number, rolls from 0 to 255
Header 3 System ID, This is the source (i.e. Mission planner) sending a message. The software does a regular check so as to know that this message is for itself.
Header 4 Component ID, what component of the system is sending the message
Header 5 Message ID (e.g. 0 = heartbeat). What is this message about.
Payload 6 Variable sized payload specified by the byte
Payload 7 - 14 Variable sized payload specified by the byte
Checksum 15 - 16 Checksum
